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Presentation / Legal information

Company Information

Legal Form: Limited Company
Incorporation Number: 087495
Registered head office: Woodmap Ltd, 591 rue Bréard, Bagatelle Precinct, Moka Smart City, Mauritius
Email: contact@thewoodenmaps.com
Web Site: www.thewoodenmaps.com
VAT Registration Number: VAT20500395
Hosting: DreamHost
Managing Director: Walter Nogues
Phone: + 230 401 2266
Fax: +230 401 2223


Intellectual Property

Except as indicated otherwise, all information, text, graphic images, features or functions contained in this Site are the exclusive property of Woodmap Ltd and may not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without the Company’s express written consent. However, you may download or print any pages from this Site for personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any copyright notices.


Privacy Policy

Woodmap Ltd takes reasonable precautions to keep all information obtained from online visitors secure against unauthorised access and use and periodically reviews its security measures. Personal identity information is used by the Company only to process a request for information by you or for marketing our products and services. By transmitting information to the Company through the Site or any other electronic means, you grant to the Company the unrestricted irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, modify, distribute and perform such information. You have the right to request all information we have stored about you. You can also ask us to correct or delete your personal data. Please contact us to email address contact@thewoodenmaps.com.

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